Debunking The Myths Of Screen Printing

A lot of confusion, unscientific beliefs and misconceptions have been floating around about screen printing services . Many informational online sources out there confuse readers more than enlightening them. To make sure you don’t get the wrong impression, we have compiled a list of three screen printing myths. There is a lot to unpack when it comes to screen printing, and this blog is sure to blow away the cobwebs. Read on to take this opportunity to address these misconceptions. Myth 1: Screen printing is on its last legs. Truth: The time to say R.I.P. to the screen printing method will never come. It’s not screen printing that’s on its last legs. It’s an old-fashioned screen printing method. The truth is most of the printing shops are opting for screen printing, and screen printing will soon dominate the whole fashion industry. Myth 2: Screen printed paint will peel with time. Truth: The screen printed paint on t-shirts is likely to peel, fade, or...